CH302 Course Website for SPRING 2014

Vanden Bout and LaBrake(51820, 51825)


Final Letter Grades

Final letter grades can be found at the Registrars site.

Final grades were determined based on the grading schemes posted in the syllabus. There is no opportunity for other "extra credit".

Many people have emailed wanting to discuss their final grade. Your grade is based solely on your performance in the course on the homework, learning modules, iclicker, exams and final (and any bonus points recorded during the semester). It is calculated as stated in the syllabus as posted on the first day of class.

The only issue is whether or not we have your scores correctly recorded.

If you would like to see your final exam you can send a email to the class email account to set up an appointment at the start of next semester.

Exam Schedule

All regular Exams are on Wednesday evenings from 7-9 PM

Make SURE you have these on your calendar - there are NO MAKE-UP exams ever.

  • Exam 1 Wed 2/5
  • Exam 2 Wed 3/5
  • Exam 3 Wed 4/9
  • Exam 4 Wed 4/30