Friday Office Hours

Today May 3, 2013 the only office hours are Chris's review and office hours from 3-5 in JGB 2.324

(posted (9:30am on Fri, 5/4)

Course Instructor Surveys

Today May 3, 2013 is the last day to fill out an online course instructor survey for this class. We really appreciate your feedback.

(posted (9:30am on Fri, 5/4)

Unit 8 Exam Instructions

To determine exam version number:

This website services 3 unique CH302 sections. You must go to the correct exam room. Log into Quest, and choose the assignment called "Version Number Unit 8 Exam." Look at the "score" and not the class average to determine your version number. See the Unit 8 version number breakdowns to determine your exam location.

Unit 8 Exam Breakdown:

Vanden Bout 930 am (51540)

Vanden Bout 9:30 AM procedure

UTC 2.102A version 1-220

JGB 2.324 version 221+

LaBrake 11 am (51535)

LaBrake 11 AM procedure

WCH 1.120 version 1-220

WEL 2.246 version 221-320

ECJ 1.202 version 321+

LaBrake 1230 pm (51525)

LaBrake 12:30 PM procedure

WEL 2.122 version 1-195

WEL 2.304 version 196+

(posted 11:30am on Tues, 4/30)

Last Quest Assignments

The LAST QUEST ASSIGNMENT (that is worth an all caps moment) HW12 is due Tuesday 4/30/13 at 9AM

(posted 4:30am on Thurs, 4/25)

Unit 8 Exam

When is it? Wed May 1st. When should you start studying? Today.

(posted 4:30am on Thurs, 4/25)

Max's Office Hours Canceled Thursday 4/18 5 PM

Max will not be holding office hours at his usual 5 PM Thursday time this week.

(updated 10:00am on Wed, 4/17)

No Undergraduate Help Session today Friday 4/12/13

As we have no HW, there will be no help session today. We resume again next week.

(updated 8:30am on Fri, 4/12)

Undergraduate Learning Assistant Application DUE 4/15

Last Chance. All applications are due Monday 4/15.

Applications can be brought to Dr. Vanden Bout in WEL 3.134B. If I'm not around simply slide them under the door.

Are you interested in helping to in CH301/CH302 classes next year? Would you like training in peer mentoring and leadership? We are now taking applications for undergraduate learning assistants for next fall. Students helping in the CH301 classroom in the Fall will enroll in CH372C "Chemistry Peer Mentors in Teaching and Research". To apply, download the application and return it to Dr. Stephanie Taylor or Ms. Sophia Hawthorne after your CH302 class. If you have a friend who is applying that is not in one of our CH302 sections, have them bring the application to class or turn it in on their behalf. Applications will be accepted until the CH372C class is full. Don't wait. Apply today.

(posted 11am on Mon, 3/25)

Want to work with Digital Media?

Check out the Digital Media Summer Bootcamp

The Digital Media Institute Bootcamp is an intense multimedia production and web development training program for UT students. Students must apply for admission into the program, but for those that are accepted the Bootcamp is provided free of charge. Students will have the opportunity to learn from among a core set of digital media technologies including graphic design, motion graphics, 3D modeling, 2D/3D animation, video production, web development, and mobile web development. Students will also collaborate with other students, learn multimedia production best practices, and work on real-world instructional technology projects. At the end of the program, students will have the opportunity to apply for open positions at the Center for Teaching and Learning and elsewhere on campus, and will be connected with our internship partners that may provide additional internship opportunities. The bootcamp will run from May 14 – June 14. Do not wait to apply! The deadline is approaching very soon.

(posted 11am on Thurs, 3/21)

Readiness Assessment Quiz for 4/9

Several students requested that we post the activity that we will be working on in class on Tuesday 4/9 as a Readiness Assessment Quiz. It can be downloaded here and brought to class.

(updated 7:30pm on Mon, 4/8)

Unit 7 Exam Instructions

To determine exam version number:

This website services 3 unique CH302 sections. You must go to the correct exam room. Log into Quest, and choose the assignment called "Version Number Unit 7 Exam." Look at the "score" and not the class average to determine your version number. See the Unit 7 version number breakdowns to determine your exam location.

Unit 7 Exam Breakdown:

Vanden Bout 930 am (51540)

Vanden Bout 9:30 AM procedure

WEL 2.224 version 1-230

WEL 2.122 version 231 - 330

WEL 3.502 version 331+

LaBrake 11 am (51535)

LaBrake 11 AM procedure

BUR 106 version 1-260

WEL 1.308 version 261+

LaBrake 1230 pm (51525)

LaBrake 12:30 PM procedure

WCH 1.120 version 1-150

JGB 2.324 version 151+

(posted 5:45pm on Mon, 4/08)

Short Lunch Monday 4/8

Dr. LaBrake and Dr. Vanden Bout will be at Jester City Limits (in the back as usual) from 12-12:30 for anyone who would like to come and join us.

(updated 8:30am on Mon, 4/8)

Quest Assignments

HW10 Kinetics II

Due at 9AM on Tuesday 4/9/13

(updated 8:30am on Mon, 4/8)

Unit 7 Outcomes

The learning outcomes for Unit 7 were tweaked slightly to be better represent the material as it was covered in this Unit.

(posted 4:30pm on Friday, 4/5)

Final Exam Times

Times and locations can be found here. Specific rooms for each section will be posted in the last week of class.

(posted 12:30pm on Fri, 3/29)

Unit 7 Outcomes

The learning outcomes for Unit 7 were tweaked slightly to be better represent the material as it was covered in this Unit.

(posted 4:30pm on Friday, 4/5)

Quest Assignments

HW10 Kinetics II

Due at 9AM on Tuesday 4/9/13

(updated 8:30am on Mon, 4/8)

Quest Assignments

LM30 Mechanisms, LM31 Arrhenius Theory, LM32 Catalysis

Due at 9AM on Thursday 4/4/13

(posted 12:30pm on Wed, 4/3)

No Lunch Wed 4/3!

AHH!! A bad week for lunch! Dr. LaBrake and Dr. Vanden Bout both had critical meetings arise on their schedules. No lunch today! Apologies for the last minute announcement. We'll be back on track next week.

(updated 11:30am on Wed, 4/3)

Problem #9 on HW9

The units for all the answer choices should be M-1 s-1

Don't freak out. Just deal with the typo

(posted 8:30pm on Fri, 3/29)

Final Exam Times

Times and locations can be found here. Specific rooms for each section will be posted in the last week of class.

(posted 12:30pm on Fri, 3/29)

Review Next Tuesday

The evening reviews session next Tuesday will be at a different time and locations. The review will be from 5-7pm in Waggener (WAG) 214

(posted 12:30pm on Fri, 3/29)

Issue with one problem on LM29

The problem on slide 10 was coded in correctly and has been withdrawn.

Full credit for everyone

(posted 9:30am on Wed, 3/27)

Quest Assignments

LM28 on Reaction Rates and Rate Laws

LM29 on Integrated Rate Laws

Both are due at 9AM on Thursday 3/28/13

(posted 11:30am on Tues, 3/26)

Undergraduate Learning Assistant Application

Are you interested in helping to in CH301/CH302 classes next year? Would you like training in peer mentoring and leadership? We are now taking applications for undergraduate learning assistants for next fall. Students helping in the CH301 classroom in the Fall will enroll in CH372C "Chemistry Peer Mentors in Teaching and Research". To apply, download the application and return it to Dr. Stephanie Taylor or Ms. Sophia Hawthorne after your CH302 class. If you have a friend who is applying that is not in one of our CH302 sections, have them bring the application to class or turn it in on their behalf. Applications will be accepted until the CH372C class is full. Don't wait. Apply today.

(posted 11am on Mon, 3/25)

Lunch with Dr. Vanden Bout and LaBrake

Mondays at 12:30 we will be at Jester City Limits.
It is a bit pricier but you can join us without getting anything to eat.

Wednesdays at 1:00 we will be at the Kinsolving dining hall.

Come for the food, stay for the fun.

(updated 11am on Mon, 3/25)

Quest Assignments odd formatting

Strange equations? Text wrapping around so you can't read it? If you are experiencing oddities in the formatting of equations on your LM in Quest, refresh the browser screen and all should be well.

(posted 11am on Mon, 3/25)

Quest Assignments

LM27 on Application of Nuclear Chemistry

HW8 on Nuclear Chemistry

Both are due at 9AM on Tuesday 3/26/13

(posted 11am on Thurs, 3/21)

Want to work with Digital Media?

Check out the Digital Media Summer Bootcamp

The Digital Media Institute Bootcamp is an intense multimedia production and web development training program for UT students. Students must apply for admission into the program, but for those that are accepted the Bootcamp is provided free of charge. Students will have the opportunity to learn from among a core set of digital media technologies including graphic design, motion graphics, 3D modeling, 2D/3D animation, video production, web development, and mobile web development. Students will also collaborate with other students, learn multimedia production best practices, and work on real-world instructional technology projects. At the end of the program, students will have the opportunity to apply for open positions at the Center for Teaching and Learning and elsewhere on campus, and will be connected with our internship partners that may provide additional internship opportunities. The bootcamp will run from May 14 – June 14. Do not wait to apply! The deadline is approaching very soon.

(posted 11am on Thurs, 3/21)

Unit 6 Exam Results

You all rocked the Unit 6 exam. Class averages 70+! Way to go on dealing with some challenging material.

Enjoy the break. Back to "nookular" after spring break.

(posted 10pm on Fri, 3/8)

Quest Status

If you are having difficulties accessing Quest, please check this status update page. It should have some information on the potential duration of the problem or if the issues have been resolved.

(posted 11am on Fri, 2/22)

LaBrake Office Hours canceled Thursday, March 7

Dr. LaBrake's office hours normally scheduled for 2:30-3:30 are canceled for today.

(posted 11am on Thurs, 3/7)

No Lunch on Wed 3/6 with Dr. Vanden Bout and LaBrake

We will return to our regular schedule following Spring Break

Mondays at 12:30 we will be at Jester City Limits.
It is a bit pricier but you can join us without getting anything to eat.

Wednesdays at 1:00 we will be at the Kinsolving dining hall (except on 3/6 as conflicts have come up).

(updated 9am on Wed, 3/6)

Unit 6 Exam

To determine exam version number:

This website services 3 unique CH302 sections. You must go to the correct exam room. Log into Quest, and choose the assignment called "Version Number Unit6 Exam." Look at the "score" and not the class average to determine your version number. Look at the version number breakdowns below to determine your exam location.

Unit 6 Exam Rooms

Dr. Vanden Bout 9:30 AM (51540)

Vanden Bout 9:30 AM procedure

WEL 1.316 version # 1- 160

BEL 328 version # 161-330

WEL 2.246 version #331+

Dr. LaBrake 11 AM (51535)

LaBrake 11 AM procedure

WCH 1.120 version # 1-175

PAI 3.02 version # 176-325

MEZ 1.306 version # 326+

Dr. LaBrake 12:30 PM (51525)

LaBrake 12:30 PM procedure

JGB 2.324 version # 1- 175

WEL 2.122 version # 176+

Quest Assignments

Our last assignments for Unit 6 are due Tuesday 3/5 at 9am

LM23 Titrations, LM24 Protonation State, and HW7 Buffers and Titration

(posted 8am on Fri, 3/1)

It is time to start preparing for the Exam

The Unit 6 exam is next Wed 3/6. While you are still working on the final assignments of this unit, you should also start preparing for the exam.

First. Make a plan.

  • Look at the outcomes for Unit 6
  • Did you do the NGLM101 "Exam Wrapper"? Go back and look at what you wrote.
  • What worked studying for the first exam? What did not?
  • Find the extra worksheets on the eBook
  • Find the help sheets on the eBook
  • Get your study group together. Block out some time now

(posted 8am on Fri, 3/1)

Looking for Helpsheets?

Have you seen all of the great help sheets we have for CH302. Thanks Dr. McCord.

(posted 1pm on Thur, 2/21)

LM22 Due Date moved

LM22 on Buffers is moved to Friday at 9AM due to Quest difficulties

(posted 10:30pm on Wed, 2/27)

Quest Assignments

The due dates for the past Quest assignment have changed.

LM21 on Neutralization is due on WED 2/27 at 9AM

HW6 is due on Thursday at 9AM

LM22 on Buffers is due on Thursday at 9AM

(updated 9am on Tues, 2/26)

Lunch with Dr. Vanden Bout and LaBrake

We now have a permanent plan for lunches

Mondays at 12:30 we will be at Jester City Limits.
It is a bit pricier but you can join us without getting anything to eat.

Wednesdays at 1:00 we will be at the Kinsolving dining hall.

Too much fun to describe. You really should join us.

(updated 9am on Tues, 2/25)

Quiz on Tuesday 2/26

At the start of class on Tuesday we will have two quiz questions for which you will need to calculate the pH of a weak acid solution and the pH of a weak base solution. Bring your calculator. For example, you should be able to do the following problem: What is the pH of a 0.2 M solution of Na(HCOO) given that the Ka for formic acid is 1.8 x 10-4.

(posted 1pm on Thur, 2/21)

Quest Assignments due Tuesday 9AM

Assignments Due Tuesday 2/26/13 at 9am

LM 21 Neutralization and Salts

HW 06 Acids, Bases, and Salts

HW 06 is big. Why? Without the practice you just can't get it down. If you wait until right before the exam, there is not enough time. Finally, acid/base materials all builds on the previous work. If you don't get this materials down now, next week (and the exam) will be that much more difficult. Start today.

(posted 1pm on Thur, 2/21)

Bonus NGLM101 Exam Wrapper 1

A new NGLM is posted in Quest. NGLM101 Exam Wrpaper 1. Unlike other NGLM, this one can be completed for bonus points. The LM is very short and simply asks that you take some time to reflect on your Unit 5 exam (and how you studied) so that you can make some concrete changes to improve for the next exam (or keep doing what you are doing well). 20 bonus points for completing the NGLM101. It has a number of "essay" type questions that require you to type in a short answer.

NGLM101 can be completed any time before 11PM on 2/25/13

(posted 3pm on Fri, 2/15)

Quest Stability

The Quest system has been particularly unstable for the past week. Issues continue today. We are monitoring the situation. If they are not resolved by 2pm today we will move back all of the due dates 24hrs. Also, we will likely take a different approach to the next LM and HW assignments to avoid further complications.

(posted 11am on Mon, 2/25)

Quest Assignments Deadline Moved Back Thursday 5PM

We have moved the deadline for Thursday's assignments back to 5PM

LM 19 Ka, Kb, and Kw

LM 20 pH and pOH

(posted 8am on Thur, 2/21)

Undergraduate Office Hours

HW got you down? Piazza not helping at this instant?

Help is on the way. Be sure to come by the undergraduate office hours on Friday from 1-3 in GSB 2.126 (as noted on the contact page). Many people ready to help. A better chance to get some one on one problem solving sessions.

(posted 1pm on Thur, 2/21)

Quest Assignments Deadline Moved Back Thursday 5PM

We have moved the deadline for Thursday's assignments back to 5PM

LM 19 Ka, Kb, and Kw

LM 20 pH and pOH

(posted 8am on Thur, 2/21)

Another chance for lunch with Dr. Vanden Bout and LaBrake

More chances than ever to have lunch with both Dr. Vanden Bout and Dr. LaBrake. Come and join us on Wed 2/20/13 at the Dining Hall in Kinsolving at 1PM. We won't we hard to find as we'll be the only two Chemistry faculty wandering around looking for a place to eat. We'd love to have you join us.

(posted 5pm on Tues, 2/19)

Quest Assignments due Thursday 9AM

Assignments Due Thursday 2/21/13 at 9am

LM 19 Ka, Kb, and Kw

LM 20 pH and pOH

(posted 12pm on Tues, 2/19)

Bonus NGLM101 Exam Wrapper 1

A new NGLM is posted in Quest. NGLM101 Exam Wrpaper 1. Unlike other NGLM, this one can be completed for bonus points. The LM is very short and simply asks that you take some time to reflect on your Unit 5 exam (and how you studied) so that you can make some concrete changes to improve for the next exam (or keep doing what you are doing well). 20 bonus points for completing the NGLM101. It has a number of "essay" type questions that require you to type in a short answer.

NGLM101 can be completed any time before 11PM on 2/25/13

(posted 3pm on Fri, 2/15)

Quiz at the start of class Tuesday 2/19

On Tuesday 2/19 we will start class with a quick quiz on naming the strong acids and bases.

This means you should memorize the lists that can be found on the eBook. Unit6: Acid/Base Theory: Strong Acids (Bases).

(posted 11am on Fri, 2/15)

Quest Assignments due Tuesday 9AM

Assignments Due Tuesday 2/19/13 at 9am

LM 17 Strong Acids and Bases

LM 18 Weak Acids and Bases

HW5 Chemical Equilibria II Acid/Base

(posted 3pm on Thur, 2/14)

Lunch with Dr. Vanden Bout and LaBrake

Now is your chance to have lunch with both Dr. Vanden Bout and Dr. LaBrake. Are you hoping for a letter of recommendation? Maybe it would be a good idea if we knew more about you. Are you just hoping to get some insight into your academic career? Come and see what we might know. Are you simply looking to make some connections with the faculty teaching your class? We will be having lunch weekly on Mondays at 12:30 in Jester City Limits. We'll get a table in the way back of the room.

(posted 9pm on Wed, 2/13)

Quest Assignments due Thursday 9AM

Assignments Due Tuesday 2/14/13 at 9am

LM 15 LeChatelier's Priciple

LM 16 Introduction to Acids and Bases

(posted 9am on Wed, 2/13)

Unit 5 Exam

The scores have been calculated for the Unit 5 exam and the classes did extremely well. The average for all three class was just under 80! Well done. In the final analysis we did drop one question (everyone get credit for the problem). This was because the statistical analysis of the scores on this problem (point bi-serial correlation) showed that it was not performing as a good assessment question. Thus we have given everyone credit for the problem. None the less, you should all know that if you drop the total pressure below the vapor pressure of a liquid, the system will boil.

(posted 9pm on Sun, 2/10)

Participation Points

Unit 5 total participation points can be seen on Quest under the assignment with that name. The total points for Unit 5 were capped at 2000. This includes all the clicker questions, HW, and LM. Bonus points have been added in. Max score (as stated in the syllabus is 100%). If your score is shockingly low you have likely not registered your iClicker (or you never come to class. Or you don't actually do any assignments). Go here for instructions on how to register.

(posted 4pm on Fri, 2/8)

Quest Assignments due Tuesday 9AM

Assignments Due Tuesday 2/12/13 at 9am

LM 13 Equilibrium Constant

HW 04 Chemical Equilibrium Intro

LM 14 Free Energy and K

Be sure to do LM 13 before the HW. LM14 is to prepare for class on Tuesday.

(posted 1pm on Mon, 2/4)

Exam 1 Procedure

To determine exam version number:

This website services 3 unique CH302 sections. You must go to the correct exam room. Log into Quest, and choose the assignment called "Version Number Unit5 Exam." Look at the "score" and not the class average to determine your version number. Look at the version number breakdowns below to determine your exam location.


Dr. Vanden Bout 9:30 AM (51540)

Vanden Bout 9:30 AM procedure

UTC 2.102A version # 1- 250

BEL 328 version # 251+

Dr. LaBrake 11 AM (51535)

LaBrake 11 AM procedure

WCH 1.120 version # 1-300

WEL 2.246 version # 301+

Dr. LaBrake 12:30 PM (51525)

LaBrake 12:30 PM procedure

JGB 2.324 version # 1- 175

WEL 2.122 version # 176+

(posted 1pm on Tue, 2/5)

Readiness Assessment Quiz for Unit 5

On Tuesday 2/5 will we will work in class on a Readiness Assessment Quiz (RAQ). This will cover some of the key concepts and problems related to the learning outcomes for Unit 5. The goal of this RAQ is for you to see if you are "ready" for the exam and to identify areas in which you could use further study. You should download and print the RAQ and bring it to class with you. To make the best use of the time in class, you should read the questions so you are familiar with what we will be doing. You should also try to work on some of the problems so you will know where you might need help in class. However, I would add you should not plaster Piazza with a million questions about the RAQ. People need to try to work on the questions on their own. After class, if things are not clear (even with the key). Then post away.

(posted 7pm on Mon, 2/4)

Extra Office Hours DVB 2/4 4:30

Dr. Vanden Bout's 3:30-4:30 office hours will be covered by a TA. He will have additional office hours 4:30-5:00.

(posted 2pm on Mon, 2/4)

How to succeed on the Exams

We have posted a new non-graded learning module NGLM100 "How to Succeed on the Exams"

It is designed to help you make a plan to be successful on the exams in CH302.

The information can also be found on learning strategies pages .

(posted 5pm on Wed, 1/30)

Quest Assignments due Thursday 9AM

Assignments Due Thursday 1/31/13 at 9am

LM 10 Ionic Equations

LM 11 Ion Product

Again, if you don't know your polyatomic ions look at table of polyatomic ions and learn them.

(posted 1pm on Tues, 1/29)

Quest Assignments due Tuesday 9AM

Assignments Due Tuesday 1/30/13 at 9am

LM 09 Colligative Properties

HW 02 Solutions

Also you might want to look at table of polyatomic ions

(posted 1pm on Thurs, 1/23)

eBook edits

10 bonus points to anyone who finds a typo on the eBook site. Should you stumble across a "mistake", send an email to so it can get fixed and you can get the points.

To receive bonus points you must meet the following criteria

  • You must be one of the first three people to point out the problem
  • The subject line of your email must be "CH302 eBook typo"
  • Your email message must include your name, EID, and what section you are in.
  • You also need to have actually identified a typo/problem/mistake

(updates 11am on Thurs, 1/23)

Quest Assignments due Thursday 9AM

Assignments Due Tuesday 1/23/13 at 9am

LM 06 Solutions

LM 07 Concentrations

LM 08 Henry's Law.

Also you might want to look at NGLM 14 Molarity,15 Density and % solution, 16 Dilution, and 20 solubility rules.

(posted 7pm on Tues, 1/21)

No Office Hours on MLK Day for Vanden Bout

Dr. Vanden Bout will not have office hours on Monday 1/21/13.

(posted 10am on Mon, 1/21)

Vapor Pressure Simulator

Here is a link to the vapor pressure simulator we looked at in class. It is now on the vapor pressure page in the eBook. As such it will show up in the LM05 (unless you completed the modular before the addition of the link). For those of you who were quick to finish the VP learning module you might want to check it out. Be sure to click on the flask to change the microscopic views as well as changing the temperature with the knobs. It also has a number of good questions you should try to answer.

(posted 10am on Fri, 1/18)

Quest Assignments due Tuesday 9AM

Assignments Due Tuesday 1/21/13 at 9am

LM 04 Phase Diagrams

LM 05 Vapor Pressure

HW 01 Homework set one. This has some review of stoichiometry since everyone loves limiting reagent problems. It also covers the thermodynamics of phase transitions, vapor pressure, and phase diagrams.

(posted 4pm on Thurs, 1/17)

What is a NGLM?

You may have found a whole host of new assignments in your Quest account called NGLM. These are Non-Graded Learning Modules (NGLM). There are just that "Non-Graded". These are there simply for you should you be looking for extra help on a past topic. Maybe you have forgotten how to do reaction stoichiometery? Maybe you need to brush up on solutions and molarity? There are NGLM for those topics. You can work them or not. They will have zero affect on your grade.

(posted 4pm on Thurs, 1/17)

Lost on thermodynamics?
Can't remember liquid properties?

Need help remembering thermodynamics? See the CH301 eBook Unit 4. Looking for problems. You can find them under the worksheets link in Unit 4.

Can't remember anything about intermolecular forces? Liquid properties? See CH301 eBook Unit 3. Look at the sections on forces of attraction and liquid properties.

You can always find a link to the CH301 eBook on the "more" menu on the CH302 eBook.

(posted 11am on Wed, 1/16)

Alternate Exam Times

See the syllabus for reasons you might be allowed to take the exams at an alternative time. If this applies to you, then fill out this alternate exam petition form and bring to to WEL 2.212. If you are not a SSD student and you cannot take the exam at the 4-6pm time slot, this form will require a signature for either Dr. Vanden Bout or Dr. LaBrake.

(posted 3pm on Tuesday, 1/15)

No Review Session or Office Hours Tuesday 1/15 for Sarah

This week Sarah will not have her review session or office hours as it has just the first day of class and there is not much to review.

(posted 3pm on Tuesday, 1/15)

Quest Assignments

Quest assignments due Thursday 9AM. If you are new to UT or new to Quest. Go Quest. Login with your UT EID. Find you section of CH301 and look for LM01, LM02, LM03 which are all due by Thursday./p>

LM 01 Syllabus and Webpage

LM 02 Thermodynamics of Phase Transitions

LM 03 Heating Curves

(updated 4pm on Tuesday, 1/15)


Welcome to CH302 learning community! This webpage will have all of the announcements for the coures.

Materials for the course can all be found on the eBook site at . Go to this page. Explore this page. Know this page. Memorize the link to this page. Check out all the tabs on this page. Look at the "more" menu on the page. This page will help you to learn the materials. This page will be your main resource for content information.

See the other links at the top of the page.

One is for Quest. This is the system we will utilize for online homework and learning modules.

In addition there is a link to our Piazza page. Piazza is an online discussion forum to get questions answers (and to answer questions to help other students). You should address any content related questions to the Piazza forum.

Finally, you can also follow us on Twitter @UTchemstars . Our tweets also appear on this page to the right.

(posted 11am on Tuesday, 1/8)

Explore this page

Please be sure to familiarize yourself with this webpage. In addition to the external links to Quest and Piazza, there are a number of resources on this page.

The "Syllabus" page has a copy of the course syllabus.

The "Contact" page has the contact information and office hours for all the entire teaching team.

The "Class" tab will take you to a page that will have copies of the notes from each day of class in addition to any solution keys for any in-class activities.

The "Archive" page will simply be a running archive of this front page will all the announcements from the entire semester.

(posted 11am on Wed, 1/9)

3 Things you NEED for Class

iClicker2: All students must have an iClicker2. We have officially switched to the iclicker2 (not the original iclicker) - see picture to the left. You will need to register the iClicker2 serial number via the web ( and set the frequency to "CD" for our class (you can only set the frequency when you come to class).


Calculator: All students must have a SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR and no more than that for exams. If you don't already have one, I'd suggest getting a TI-30xa or something like it (picture shown at the left, very simple to use and cheap). You cannot use any type of graphing calculator for our exams. You just need a simple scientific calculator. Also, know HOW to use your calculator.

QUEST: This course makes use of the web-based Quest content delivery and homework server system maintained by the College of Natural Sciences. This homework service will require a $25 charge per student for its use, which goes toward the maintenance and operation of the resource. Refer to the syllabus for more information on this.

(posted 11am on Wed, 1/9)