OLD WebSite!! - inactive

This website will serve two CH301 sections

Vanden Bout 51335 LaBrake 51340

Formula Sheet

Here is version 1 of the Formula Sheet (v1). There are a few formulas not given - many of which you should just know (like \(E = mc^2\) ). Let me know if there are any errors or blatant omissions or other constants you might need. This will be finalized by Monday. Remember you also have the Periodic Table on your Bubblesheet that has many conversion factors and constants as well.

LaBrake Final Grades

Final grades for the LaBrake section (51340) can be found at the Registrars site on Monday at the latest.

Final grades will be determined based on the grading scheme posted in the syllabus. There is no opportunity for other "extra credit".

Many people have emailed wanting to discuss their final grade. Your grade is based solely on your performance in the course on the homework, learning modules, iclicker, exams and final. It is calculated as stated in the syllabus as posted on the first day of class. The only issue is whether or not we have your scores correctly recorded.

(posted 4pm on Friday, 12/14)

Final Exam Room Numbers

Dr. Vanden Bout Final Exam (unique 51335)

WEL 2.224 Version #1-200

SAC 1.402 Version #201 and higher

(posted 4pm on Friday, 12/14)

Final Exam Equations sheet

Here is the final exam equations sheet.

Office Houres

Vanden Bout: Tues 12/11 3-4pm, Mon 12/17 10-11am

LaBrake: Tues 12/11 10:30am-12:30pm , Wed 12/12 11am-12:30pm

TAs: Mon 12/10 11am-noon (WEL 2.306), Mon 12/10 noon-2pm (WEL 3.140), Mon 11/17 noon-2pm (WEL 3.140).

(updated 8:00am on Monday, 12/10)

Exam 4 Free Response Key

Here is the Exam 4 free response key.

Unit 4 Exam Results

The grades on unit four were "curved" as a result of the difficulty of the test. So simplicity we simply gave everyone two free questions. This meant the scores were bumped up by 8 points! The additional points will show up as part of the manually graded section of the exam. The exam 4 score that will show on Quest is the final score with the extra points already added. The grades and solutions will be available at 10AM Friday 12/7/12.

(posted 8:00am on Friday, 12/7)

Final Exam Times

The final exam time are fixed by the Registrars office. You will need to take the final exam time during the prescribed time. The only reason for a change in the time is if you have a test taking accommodation in which case you likely be scheduled earlier on the same day; or you have a serious medical issue which arises.

The final exam times can be found at the registrar's home page

(updated 4:40pm on Wed, 11/28)

Exam Schedule

All regular Exams are on Wednesday evenings from 7-9 PM

Make SURE you have these on your calendar - there are NO MAKE-UP exams ever.

  • Exam 1 Wed 9/19
  • Exam 2 Wed 10/10
  • Exam 3 Wed 11/7
  • Exam 4 Wed 12/5

Final Exam

NOTE: You can only go to the Final Exam for the section that you are registered in.

  • #51335 (T/Th 9:30 am class) Tues 12/18 9am - noon
  • #51340 (T/Th 11:00 am class) Wed 12/12 7pm - 10pm