Final letter grades can be found at the Registrars site.
Final grades were determined based on the grading scheme posted in the syllabus. There is no opportunity for other "extra credit".
Many people have emailed wanting to discuss their final grade. Your grade is based solely on your performance in the course on the homework, learning modules, iclicker, exams and final. It is calculated as stated in the syllabus as posted on the first day of class. The only issue is whether or not we have your scores correctly recorded.
(posted 8am on Monday, 5/20)
The final exam scores are now visible on Quest. You can only see your score. Pdfs of the final key will not be released. For a short period of time, Quest was incorrectly showing extra credit points for some classes. This should now be updated and showing correctly. There is no "extra points" or "curve" on the final.
Each section will post at different times
Final grades will be determined based on the grading scheme posted in the syllabus. There is no opportunity for other "extra credit".
Many people have emailed wanting to discuss their final grade. Your grade is based solely on your performance in the course on the homework, learning modules, iclicker, exams and final. It is calculated as stated in the syllabus as posted on the first day of class. The only issue is whether or not we have your scores correctly recorded.
(posted (8:30am on Monday, 5/13)
Final will be administered much like the other exams. Go to the correct room. Be there ON TIME or possibly be denied taking the exam. The exam will end promptly after 3 hours.
(posted (7:30am on Thursday, 5/9)
You must take the final exam for your section. Final will be administered much like the other exams. Go to the correct room. Be there ON TIME or possibly be denied taking the exam. The exam will end promptly after 3 hours.
(posted (7:30am on Thursday, 5/9)
Your version number ("seat" number) for your preprinted bubblesheet is now on Quest as the score of the assignment called "version number final exam".
Final Exam will be 50 questions in length and be in the same format as the multiple choice portion of our other exams. There will not be a free-response section. You will get the bubblesheet that has a periodic table on it PLUS a formula sheet.
Here is version 1 of the Formula Sheet (v1). There are a few formulas not given - many of which you should just know (like \(E = mc^2\) ). Any constant you might need for the exam will be given on the test. They may not appear on this sheet currently. Don't worry. They will be given. Also, there are no "short-cut" formulas for pH problems using approximations. This does not mean you will not doing any pH problems. It simply means you need to know how to solve these equilibrium problems and recognize what approximations you are making. Remember you also have the Periodic Table on your Bubblesheet that has many conversion factors and constants as well.
As always, there WILL BE ASSIGNED SEATING! Your VERSION NUMBER is now available on Quest (the assignment is called "version number final exam") and will also be posted on the doors to the exams. Exams will be laid out in ORDER of version number (see example bubblesheet to the right - click on it to enlarge). You'll have to FIND your exam and seat before you begin. The good news on the assigned seating is that your bubblesheet will be preprinted with your name, eid, and version number. Once you get into the room, you will sit in your seat where your exam and bubblesheet (with YOUR NAME and YOUR EID) already are and begin the exam.
Only the following items are allowed for the exam:
There are a wide array of office hour times for the final exam.
All regularly scheduled office hours are cancelled next week.
Office hours will be at the following times and places.
Monday 5/6/13
Shuana 9:00-10:00 WEL 3.138
LaBrake 1:30-3:00 WEL 5.239
Vanden Bout 3:30-4:30 WEL 3.132C
Max 5:00-6:00 WEL 2.306 suite C
Tuesday 5/7/13
Stephanie 2:00-3:00 WEL 3.140
Woongsoon 3:00-4:00 WEL 2.306 suite A
Alicia 5:00-6:00 WEL 2.306 suite B
Thursday 5/9/13
Sarah and Leigh 12:00n-2:00 WEL 2.224
Friday 5/10/13
Chris 3:00-4:00 JGB 2.324
(updates (4:00am on Mon, 5/6)
You all did great on the Unit 8 exam! Class averages ~80! Way to go on mastering some challenging material in electrochemistry.
We dropped one question (full credit for everyone) that was about electrolysis of a molten compound that contained both Fe and Ni as it had some ambiguity in the answer choices.
(posted 9am on Fri, 5/4)
Times can be found here. Specific rooms for each section will be posted the week of 5/6/13.
(updated 9:00am on Fri, 5/4)
All regular Exams are on Wednesday evenings from 7-9 PM
Make SURE you have these on your calendar - there are NO MAKE-UP exams ever.
NOTE: You can only go to the Final Exam for the section that you are registered in.